Summary of Ombudsman Investigations Where Fault Was Found 2021/22


Report issued: maladministration and injustice


Service Area

Case Description

Recommended Action

Adult Care Services

Council failed to properly advise of a change in way assessed finances, resulting in service user becoming responsible for full care costs. 

Provide copy of charging policy

Explain when approach to treatment of property within policy changed, who authorised the change and whether any assessment of the impact was done

Review the decision not to apply property disregard to this case

Apply the reviewed decision from when charges and deferred payment agreement (DPA) were explained

Confirm whether DPA was finalised and how will operate

Waive costs incurred in DPA process

Financial remedy for distress and time and trouble

Identify and review other similar cases


Upheld: maladministration and injustice


Service Area

Case Description

Recommended Action

Education & Childrens Services

Failed to properly plan for daughter's transition from children to adult care services, failed to issue amended Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in line with statutory timescales.

Financial remedy for distress, uncertainty and time and trouble. 
Carry out annual review of EHCP without delay.
Provide evidence of webinars/staff training.

Adult Care Services

Council not allowing unsupervised contact with adult daughter.  Council said would apply to Court of Protection, but did not.

Confirm contact arrangements and options if disagrees. 
Review contact arrangements - if unhappy, Council to approach Court of Protection to resolve this.

Education & Childrens Services

Failed to consider and make reasonable endeavours to arrange special education when alternative provider was available during COVID-19 pandemic.  Failed to review personal budget to meet increased costs and meet other costs incurred.

Financial remedy for: extra costs incurred; future educational benefit to recognise out-of-school provision missed; travel allowance for journeys made; and time and trouble in having to complain.
Identify and review other similar cases.

Adult Care Services

Council took an unreasonable time to try to come to a decision whether in best interests for mother to move back to her own home.

Financial remedy
Share lessons learned with social care and finance teams

Education & Childrens Services

Failed to act when child's school terminated placement.  Procedural errors and delay in finalising amended EHCP. Errors in complaints handling

Financial remedy for uncertainty and distress
Review contract procedures
Review EHCP procedures to ensure plans are amended without delay

Adult Care Services

Billing for care after a delay in conducting financial assessment.  Failed to specify what costs would be involved prior to the financial assessment.

Waive care fees
Review practices regarding notice period for cancellation of care
Ensure people are given an indication of what their care may cost as soon as possible

Adult Care Services

Council's responsiveness to a failing care home - no fault found
Council transferred mother to another care home at short notice and at night (due to risk posed in current home) - fault found

Financial remedy for uncertainty suffered during transfer to new home

Adult Care Services

Failed to provide clear information about care contributions or follow up significant conversations in writing.

Financial remedy for confusion caused
Share final decision with relevant staff

Adult Care Services

Failed to inform service user that support worker was off work and to arrange alternative support

Council already apologised and carried out training/development work and processes and systems had been changed
LGSCO recommended a financial remedy for distress suffered because of failure to inform when worker was absent and resultant loss of support


Upheld: maladministration no injustice


Service Area

Case Description

Recommended Action

Education & Childrens Services

Failed to properly consider application and appeal for school place for son.

School offered place after unsuccessful appeal, so fault did not cause injustice.

Education & Childrens Services

Council should not have approved a disabled facilities grant for adaptations to home - no fault found.
Fault in complaints handling - delayed response

Fault regarding complaint handling did not cause significant injustice

Education & Childrens Services

Way council dealt with as foster carer - no fault
Delay starting statutory stage 2 investigation - fault found

Delay did not cause significant injustice


Upheld: maladministration and injustice: satisfactory remedy already provided by council


Service Area

Case Description

Recommended Action

Adult Care Services

Delay in receiving overpayment for later mother's care charges.

Council has already refunded monies owed to estate and there is no unremedied injustice warranting an Ombudsman investigation.

Adult Care Services

Failed to tell complainant about 12-week property disregard mother was entitled to.

Council had upheld and apologised, agreed to cover costs for first 12 weeks and made a financial remedy for time and trouble.
An audit had been carried out on all current cases going back 12 months; we were satisfied correct advice/information had been provided.
Extra staff training has been carried out and handbooks are in place.